Written by The Marketing Team April 14, 2019
Introducing the Ultimate Guide to Online Ads for Offline Sales
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A major challenge for retailers today is marrying their online and offline activities. Where retail has traditionally been about the physical experience of being in-store, the online world continues to permeate every facet of the traditional retail experience. For physical retailers of all shapes and sizes, the time has come when incorporating offline data into your online acquisition strategy is no longer a luxury or point of difference. It’s simply a must.
Today’s consumers expect a seamless, omnichannel shopping experience. Facebook reports that 49% of in-store purchases are influenced by digital interactions. Overall, the most successful retailers today are “phygital,” with the ability to blend their digital and physical worlds into one to create a seamless customer journey no matter the touchpoint.
That’s why, along with our partner Lengow, we’ve written an eBook focusing how online advertising can drive in-store conversions. Our guide will help you become a phygital retailer, walking you through some of the best ad options across networks.
Who is Lengow?
Lengow is the European leader in e-commerce product catalog management, partnering with networks like Facebook and Google. They give you the opportunity to automate and centralize your product feeds and automatically distribute your catalogs across each channel and country you target. Lengow also helps you update your feed so that your buyers always have access to accurate information.
Our partnership with Lengow ensures Paragone clients can leverage a top-class feed management solution, together with our own advanced ad tech platform, to run high-quality retail ads that generate conversions!
Our eBook
Download the eBook to learn about:
- An overview of some of the biggest shifts happening in retail today.
- How to sync your live product catalogs with your online ads.
- How to master your product catalog.
- How online ads can drive in-store conversions.
- The features on Facebook, Google, Snapchat, and Twitter that enable online and offline integration.
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