Written by Kat Peake December 16, 2019
Tristar skyrockets purchases with Facebook ads on Paragone
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Guided by the belief that “quality shouldn’t be a luxury,” Tristar Products markets and sells quality appliances at affordable prices. The company strives to create #1 brands worldwide offering “Unbeatable Basics”: essential household products that solve everyday problems, helping to make life easier and more enjoyable.
2019 was a strategically significant year for Tristar and, in collaboration with celebrity chef Emeril Lagasse, the company launched the Emeril Lagasse Power AirFryer 360. To maximize ROI and ensure their scaled Facebook advertising investment would be put to the best possible use, Tristar sought a partnership that would bring both strategic and operational value. And they found that trusted partner in Paragone.
Click to read the full Success Story
A tripartate relationship, unique expertise
Thanks to Paragone’s long standing partnership with Facebook, the efforts to scale Tristar’s success included, from the very start, input and insight from the Facebook US team. A close tripartite relationship has evolved, with both Paragone and Facebook bringing an enhanced level of unique expertise to Tristar’s strategy and account.
Between January and July 2019, Tristar’s Facebook budget was scaled, with an associated increase in the volume of purchases, by 3x.
Reaching scaled success
This 6-month road to scaled success was brought about by a number of strategic actions.
Initially, through a collaborative process, a global social media strategy was formulated for Tristar. This helped to set some guiding objectives and to create a clear structure for Tristar’s cross-network paid advertising activities. The foundation of this strategy was learnings pulled from historical customer journeys, to ensure all campaigns going forward would better align with the way customers shop.
In close collaboration with Facebook, the Paragone team focused on implementing best-practices for each of Tristar’s campaigns and ad sets. These best-practices included recommended optimization, automatic placements, and Campaign Budget Optimization (CBO).
In addition, thanks to the tripartite relationship incorporating Facebook US, Tristar was able to gain access to a whole host of new features and ad products, including the Facebook Marketplace and Search placements. This access to exclusive BETAs meant the Paragone team could innovate and better A/B test a variety of options on Tristar’s campaigns, using the learnings to adapt the business strategy as time went on.
What the client says
“Paragone makes our time more efficient; having partners who understand and help troubleshoot our challenges is critical. Paragone gives us the opportunity to manage larger budgets and maximize our ROI. We treat them as an extension of our department and love the level of support we receive from our account team.” –Keith Mirchandani, President and CEO of Tristar Products, Inc.
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