Case studies
5 questions with Noise New Media
22/07/20229 questions with Velasca
26/04/2022Expert Papers
Online advertising in retail
While online shopping has by no means put established brick-and-mortar retailers out of business, the retail industry has changed.
The ‘Stories’ format in social media
Stories are powerful. And human beings crave them. All sorts of studies have suggested that storytelling stimulates the human brain in a way hard facts never can.
Reaching Gen Z Audiences
Generation Z — those born in the mid-90s through to at least the mid 2000s — may not loom as large as Millennials on your company’s radar, but they are the next wave of customers.
Facebook and Instagram Ad Bidding
Auctions are always full of eager anticipation and high hopes. The inner workings of the Facebook ad platform aren’t too different.